Sharing God’s Story,
seeing lives changed
Who is Scripture Union?
Scripture Union introduces children, young people and families to Jesus and helps them to meet God through the Bible and prayer. We operate in over 120 countries around the world.
These are some of the projects you could be supporting…

Bringing new life and hope through music
This project supports outreach to students and young people through music in a restricted country. Through offering music lessons the SU team are also able to build friendships as they share God’s Big story. Gifts will help buy more instruments to expand this vital work.

Youth Entrepreneurship program
Enabling young people to break free from poverty and discover new hope and purpose through understanding what the Bible has to say about work and creativity, will empower young people in Burundi. Equipped with biblical values, positive attitudes, knowledge and skills, the young people will receive training and coaching in how to become entrepreneurs, pursue business ideas and make a positive impact in their communities. All gifts will go towards supporting the training of these young people.
Young Entrepreneurship program

Bible Engagement for children with special needs
Developing resources that help include those with special needs is the focus of this project. Scripture Union South Africa has appointed a Deaf staff member to translate their resources into SASL (South African Sign Language) videos and making them accessible to deaf children and young people. All gifts will help more Scripture Union movements to produce materials to help children with varying needs hear about God’s Big Story.
Bible Engagement for children with special needs
If you would like to support the work of Scripture Union, consider making a donation to enable children, young people and families from around the world to hear about God and explore God’s Big Story with Bible resources in their own context.
If you are interested in hearing more about Scripture Union’s activities around the world, and / or praying for various Scripture Union’s movements, sign up for our free newsletter.