Scripture Union operates in over 120 countries around the world, actively introducing children, young people and families to Jesus and helping them to meet God through the Bible and prayer.
Scripture Union International is a UK based charity supporting the network of independent national SU movements in ministry, sustainability and through developing community and partnerships.
Children from Scripture Union movements in different countries say the Lord's Prayer in their own language as we focused on the prayer as part of the Global Week of Prayer held 4-8 November this year.
We’re thankful for the many children who are taking part in programs run by Scripture Union in Cuba. Our prayer is that God, will be at work in their lives and that they, and their parents, may come to know Jesus. #sharingGodsBigstory #walkingwithyoungpeople ... See MoreSee Less
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God's perfect creation helps us share #GodsBigStory with children, young people and families #scriptureunion #allaroundtheworld ... See MoreSee Less
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A special youth summit in the Benin area of Nigeria helped empower young people to grow in their faith and draw closer to God. SU BENIN AREA YOUTH #sharingGodsBigstory #walkingwithyoungpeople ... See MoreSee Less
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So wonderful to see young people growing in the Lord. Strengthens all of us and our faith journey.
Good move to the youth of Nigeria SU movement
Young people from 11 different Scripture Union teams from across east, west and south Asia, came together for a new year gathering recently. Looking at how to “be the change” both locally and globally, they were inspired by discussions and Bible engagement combined with creative activities with a cultural theme. #changingyounglives ... See MoreSee Less
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As Australian schools closed up for the holidays, Scripture Union NSW have been celebrating the 264 volunteers who have faithfully run lunchtime groups in public schools across the region each week. #sharingGodsBigstory ... See MoreSee Less
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Sharing God’s hope with young people is what motivates one young leader working with Scripture Union Burundi. He said their programs are helping young people gain hope for the future. ... See MoreSee Less
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Young leaders have been part of a bold new Bible project by Scripture Union Sweden, which launched recently. The new guides are the first full series of biblical commentaries of the New Testament in Swedish, marking a milestone for SU Sweden. Read more in Global Stories. ... See MoreSee Less
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More grease to your elbow
🎉 We're celebrating 100 years of history for Scripture Union in French-speaking Switzerland. Since 1925, the @Ligue pour la lecture de la Bible Suisse has been accompanying young and old in discovering God through His Word and prayer. ... See MoreSee Less
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