Around the world in Bénin

Ministry Snapshots
Bible Ministry
Bible Ministry is and has always been our core business in SU Benin. We thank the Lord that He has given us the opportunity to work with the other French-speaking movements to promote the work of publishing Bible reading notes for adults, young people and children. Each year we have the huge responsibility of preparing and printing the three sets of Bible reading notes. Because of the needs of this ministry we devote almost all of our efforts and resources to its development and growth.
This year we produced the 5,000 Adult notes, 1,000 Youth notes, 840 Children’s notes, and 1,000 notes in the Fon language. We praise the Lord for their distribution.
We are currently working on a reprint of four volumes of Let’s Meditate Together for January 2017.
Camps Ministry
We want all children in Bénin to be able to take part in SU activities (especially camps), so we have decided to decentralise camp activities and organise camps in each administrative region in the country. Regional Commissions will be set up to conduct camps in their region and will raise funds to pay for them. Three camps have been held this year.
The first camp in the south was in Djakotomey from 27-30 June 2016. This was the first time that SU had organised a camp in this region, which is very poor compared to Cotonou. There were 15 leaders and 37 children. This was very good for a first time, and we praise the Lord!
The second camp was held in Ouidah from 4-11 July 2016 (the 10th time this camp was run), and we had 59 leaders and 154 kids and teens attend.
The third camp was in Parakou from 22-30 August 2016 (the 3rd time this camp was run). There were 22 resource people who were in charge of leadership, running the camp, health and catering for the 109 campers who attended.
Contact Details
Head Office
03 BP 2877
Tel: +229 21 32 46 76Tel: +229 21 09 05 33Mob: +229 97 32 79 39Mob: +229 68 88 67 03Mob: +229 95 52 81 92
General Enquiries: [email protected]-
Président: Martin Aderomou
Vice-président: Mme Nickita Aina
Secrétaire: Jacques Wella
Secrétaire-adjoint: Mardochée Y.
Trésorier: Esaïe Kanhounnon
Trésorier adjoint: Eric Mehou
Organisateur: Albérie Aloli-Agbo
Organisateur: Bernard A.
Organisateur: Gildas D.
Directeur National: Assogba Kiki
Comptable: Robert Tetegan
Librarie: Fleurette Aifa
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All about Bénin
Catholic 27.1%, Muslim 24.4%, Vodoun 17.3%, Protestant 10.4%, Other Christian 5.3%, Other 15.5%
Population under 15
Official languages