Around the world in Cameroon


Ministry Snapshots

  • Bible Ministry

    Bible ministry is foundational in SU Cameroon. Bible guides for children, youth, adults are produced and distributed with follow-up. Users of SU Bible guides meet weekly in churches and neutral setting. Children, youth and adults come once a month generally on Saturday to share the transformation and challenges thanks to their daily interaction with scripture. This is intended to motivate for regular and consistent interaction with scripture that leads to transformation.

  • Lifeskills Education

    Apart from organising five to seven camps per year for children, teens and youth, Lifeskills facilitation is a strategic means to enter in schools where religious activities are banned. SU offers teachers and Lifeskills facilitators a five day refreshing course in values education every August. This programme called EPA in French, and has been adopted by Eglise Evangelique du Cameroun as part of their curriculum in secondary schools. A training partnership is on with GBEEC (Cameroon Student Bible Fellowship) to equip their leaders for outreach in schools in their programme called «Ethique et vie».

Contact Details

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All about Cameroon

  • Population


  • Religions

    Indigenous Beliefs 40%, Christian 40%, Muslim 20%

  • Population under 15


  • Official languages

    English and French