Around the world in Denmark

Ministry Snapshots
Scripture Union Denmark was founded in 1966. Since then, SU Denmark has concentrated on a Bible Engagement Ministry to help people meet with God daily through the bible and prayer. Consequently, SU Denmark currently publishes different types of resources for all ages, both in print and digital. We are partner with churches, schools, camps around the country.
SU Denmark intends to carry on its ministries for the glory of God and our Lord Jesus Christ, with the vision to encourage people of all ages to meet God daily through the Bible and prayer. In Danish we are well known under the name The Bible Key! In others words: we are in the business for open Bibles!
Contact Details
Head Office
Chairperson: Erik Thorø Lauridsen
National Leader: Hakon Christensen
Treasurer: Jesper Jensen
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All about Denmark
Evangelical Lutheran 95%, Other Christian 3%, Muslim 2%
Population under 15
Official languages