Around the world in Germany

Ministry Snapshots
Kids love our Holzbauwelt (Wooden Brick Construction Site) and build towers that are several meters high, portals, houses, city walls. There are no limits to the fantasy of the little architects and construction workers and together creative and unique buildings are made. The kids get to know constructions stories from the Bible and explore what the biblical stories mean for their life today and that God wants to get in contact with us through Jesus Christ.
SU Germany has two sets of wooden bricks (a larger set with 60.000 wooden bricks and a smaller one with 45.000 wooden bricks) and both are booked out in advance for a long time. Our children’s ministry workers are invited by churches to come with one of our sets of wooden bricks for a variety of activities:
- kids camps
- vacation bible schools
- one-day events
- parent child weekends
- as part of a larger event
Usually we end a wooden brick construction site activity with a family church service that includes a spectacular collapse of all buildings.
Inspired by the beach mission of SU founder Josiah Spiers SU Germany began with holiday programs at the beach in 1970. Today kibi-Ferientreff takes place at seven different resorts at the Northern Sea (four on some of the East Frisian Islands and three on the mainland) where a lot of children hear about God’s love and for them and experience that reading the Bible can be quite exciting.
The kids clubs are right on the beach when the weather is good and in a tent or inside a building when the weather isn’t too good. A kids club is full of songs, games, theater plays and stories from the Bible. After every kids club there’s the Bibel-Entdecker-Klub (Bible discovery club), where all children who are interested in getting to know the Bible better, sit together with a member of staff and read God’s word together. Apart from kids clubs there are also kids games, youth clubs and Good Night stories for the whole family.
kibi-Ferientreff is organized in collaboration with local churches. The ministry is carried out not only by different members of SU Germany’s children’s ministry staff, but also by almost 100 volunteers each year.
Contact Details
Head Office
Bibellesebund e.V.
Lockenfeld 2
51709 Marienheide
Tel: +49 2261 54958 0
General Enquiries: [email protected]General Enquiries: [email protected]
Chairperson: Andreas Utsch
National Leader: Andreas Klotz
Assistant to the General Management: Stefanie Schieber
Business Manager: Karl Martin Günther
Head Office Staff
Head of Publishing: Susanne Koch
Editors: Rahel Ernst, Burkhard Meissner, Christiane Schmidt, Kevin Stiewe, Katharina Würden-Templin
Project Coordinators: Susanne Weber, Katharina Würden-Templin
Editorial Office: Inge Neuhaus, Iris Voss
Media Design: Gisela Auth, Lukas Rampelt
Public Relations: Sören Freerksema, Thorsten Scholl, Samuel Wischmeyer
Ordering Service: Bettina Hahn, Renate Dick
Bookkeeping: Susanne Koch
Address Administration: Christiane Marquardt
Shipping Department: Peter Schumacher, Karin Schumacher
Event Coordination: Friedemann Schmidt, Silke Voss
SU Camps & Holidays Administration: Edeltraud Para, Mira Reiß Head of Beach Mission: Anja Günther, Anja Ritterskamp
Beach Mission Administration: Andrea Pfeiffer
Cleaner: Elke Beckmann
Field Staff
Head of Children’s Ministry: Harry Voss
Children’s Ministry: Ruth Erichsen, Rahel Ernst, Rajko Filipovíc, Luisa Maage, Monique Schmolzi, Florian Stark
Youth Ministry: Julia Beil, Kevin Stiewe
Adults Ministry: Andreas Klotz, Friedemann Schmidt
Women’s Ministry: Julia Beil, Anja Gundlach
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All about Germany
Protestant 34%, Roman Catholic 34%, Muslim 3.7%, Unaffiliated or Other 28.3%
Population under 15
Official languages