Around the world in Isle of Man

Ministry Snapshots
Scripture Union Ministries Trust (SUMT) on the Isle of Man has been operating for over 30 years to bring faith within reach of every child and young person on the Island, supporting their holistic development, while continually encouraging them to come to their own conclusions. The Isle of Man Department of Education, Sport and Culture (DESC) operates 32 Primary schools and 5 Secondary schools, as well as a University College (UCM). We connect with almost all schools and are looking to build links with UCM. This gives us the potential to engage with over 12,000 children and young people.
In schools we run collective worship (assemblies), curriculum days, Religious Education (RE) and Relationships, Sex Education (RSE) lessons as well as Christian Union groups in the Secondary schools. In terms of curriculum days, we offer a number of different days for children of all abilities to attend that relate to the RE curriculum for ages 8-11 year olds and the RSE curriculum for 11-18 year olds.
Residentials, Clubs & Missions
SUMT run regular residential weekends for 11-18 year olds. These are one or two nights away from home to allow deeper exploration of the Christian faith: worship, prayer, reading & understanding the Bible, as well as lots and lots of silly games, creativity and fun!
SUMT partners with churches and volunteers to host & run after school and holiday clubs. We also oversee the Port St Mary Beach Mission, which has been running on the Isle of Man for over 120 years and takes place for two weeks each summer with 200-300 children in attendance.
Training & Development
SUMT aims to develop a strong network of leaders who are trained, equipped and resourced for work with youth and children across all denominations and churches on the Isle of Man. We offer support by providing resource materials, assisting the planning and preparation process for discipleship or mission events, or by just prayerfully listening.
In order to develop the next generation of leaders, SUMT runs a biennial Christian leaders training programme for 16-18 year olds.
Contact Details
Head Office
Chairman: Robert Jeavons
Chief Executive: Kristina Reeves
Team Leader: Sue Yardy
Treasurer: Steve Curtis
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All about Isle of Man
Christianity 54.7%, No religion 43.8%, Islam 0.5%, Buddhist 0.5%, Hinduism 04%, Judaism 0.2%
Population under 15
Official languages
English & Manx Gaelic