Around the world in Spain

Ministry Snapshots
MusicArt Project
MusicArt is a project that creates musicals with an evangelistic focus. But not only that, it also has a didactic and educative objective: Teaching the Bible through the Art.
The Bible is much more than a book. It is creative, contains history and is alive. It has the power to change lives. There are a lot of stories containing great treasures that should be listened to. MusicArt presents these stories and its applications to teach others about God and His plan for our lives. The content can be adapted to different auditoriums and participating artists, depending on their age, background or skills. The audience has a good time too!
There are many thousands of people around us who do not know about their Creator. One of the main goals of this project is to present the Gospel of Christ to them in a dynamic way. But not only to them, but also to some of the participating artists in the musical who have not yet received the Gospel. Most of them are young people with social difficulties.
Several musicals have already been created and are available to be used by any group and adapted to them. Everything is included in the material – not only the lyrics and music, but also a guide explaining how to prepare, organize, manage and promote the musical.
SAL Project
SAL, meaning both ‘SALT’ and ‘GET OUT’ in Spanish, is a project created by Scripture Union with the goal to assist local churches in developing an evangelisation and social aid program in their contexts. It is a tool to help them carry out the commandment that Jesus gives us: Go therefore and teach all nations.
SAL is focused on kids and teenagers that live in complicated social conditions, with the risk of exclusion from society. Most of them have never heard about Jesus, and this is the main goal of the project: to give them the opportunity to know our Saviour.
The program comprises of different activities that can be carried out in the streets. These activities are engaging in order to encourage young people to participate: e.g. theatre, songs, dance, or games. Through them, the Gospel is clearly presented. There is also a program dedicated to the parents or other family members that come along with their kids.
Both programs are intended to meet the young people’s spiritual needs, but also to improve their difficult social situations.
Contact Details
Head Office
L'Arpella Street, 43, 1st
C.P. 08340 - Vilassar de Mar
Tel: +34 937422025Mob: +34 695155717
General Enquiries: [email protected]
Chairperson: Samuel Garcia Mega
National Leader: Oscar Torroba-Moreno
Children’s Ministry: Melani Zarco Castell
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All about Spain
Roman Catholic 94%, Other 6%
Population under 15
Official languages