Our Stories
The path to the swing

Teenager Spencer, was struggling to fit in at school until he attended a camp run by Scripture Union New South Wales (NSW) in Australia. Spencer has cerebral palsy and is unable to walk or speak, he communicates by typing on a computer. After attending the NSW ‘Dare 2B Different’ camp for a number of years, he discovered a love and care he hadn’t found at school. He said, “On this camp, the students looked beyond my disability and were keen to get to know me; volunteering to help me at meal times and waiting for me to type during discussion groups.” On his first camp, he recalled “Our first activity was the giant swing but the path to the swing was littered with rocks and tree stumps. I thought I would not be able to even see my friends swing, let alone do it myself. But a group of leaders were insistent! So, we drove my chair as far as it would go and then they helped me walk the rest of the way. I knew right then that this was a camp of loving Christians who would not walk away from a challenge.”