Scripture Union is a global movement in over 120 countries around the world actively introducing children, young people and families to Jesus and helping them to meet God through the Bible and prayer. Each Movement shares the Gospel in ways appropriate to their culture and situation, so local ministry may include a whole variety of activities from running camps or school and student groups to producing Bible reading resources and working with poor and marginalised children.

Scripture Union International is a UK based charity supporting the network of independent national SU movements in ministry, sustainability and through developing community and partnerships. Click on the links below for further information.

Our vision is that Christians will be the means of transforming the communities in which they live, and so we encourage children and young people to become committed members of their churches, and servants of a world in need.

Each country seeks to do this through contextualised ministry - looking at the needs of children and young people who need to hear of God’s love. To see how SU ministers in different countries, see the Around the World section or watch the video about our work below.

Scripture Union International has a small Global Team supporting its work and it is overseen by a Global Board.

The story of Scripture Union

Find out more about the story of Scripture Union and how you can join with us in this transforming work of building God's kingdom around the world. Watch our video below.


150th Anniversary

This video was produced to mark the 150th anniversary of Scripture Union in 2017.
