Praying at times like these
Day 5: A prayer for the times
“Our Father in heaven, in these trying times, teach us to bring our supplications boldly to you. We pray for our families, our communities, our nations and the world at large that you‘ll provide your protection, your healing and your care. Calm us in our state of frenzy, comfort us with your peace so that the love of God be embodied amongst us believers, so that those around us will glorify your name. In the name of Christ our Saviour we pray, Amen.”
Lim Yu Ming, SU Singapore National Director
From SU Hong Kong
Under the threat of the pandemic in 2020 and looking back at the social unrest in 2019, SU Hong Kong is thankful for God’s preparation of our new office at the end of 2018. Being one of the earliest areas to be affected by Covid-19, in early February, we divided our staff into two teams who took turns to serve in the office and work from home.
At first we tried to be responsive to the needs around us. So, in mid February we acted quickly to re-launch two sets of 7-days’ Bible notes on Facebook, including our ‘Situations’ series, ‘Fears Unknown’ and ‘When Accident Happens’, with revisions according to the current situation. The intention was to encourage people who are anxious to find faith and comfort through the Bible. This received a positive response. As the virus continued spreading with no sign of regress, we started thinking of more systematic Bible reading online. We made these available at no cost:
- The March version of the Chinese Daily Bread app (adult notes).
- A brief version of our 40-day youth notes on Mark on Facebook and Instagram with an online quiz.
- An online version of our 30-day Children’s notes.
We hope all these initiatives help those who are working from or staying at home, and that they will find support and encouragement through God’s Word.
In the second half of the year, we are planning to use Zoom or YouTube live to broadcast our training courses or Bible talks. Our resources are limited but we thank God for what He led us do in the past that can still work at present. And for showing us that starting a new ministry in the digital world is never too late.
Please pray
For us – for wisdom, strength and health to serve under this everchallenging threat.
As the global economy is taking a big hit, we are experiencing a decline in donations – that God will provide as we seek Him.
From Matthew Wong, General Secretary SU Hong Kong
From SU India
As a precaution, we had to bring our ministries to a stand still, although April and May are busy times with Vacation Bible Schools and summer camps. With a large population in India deprived of some basic needs people live in vulnerable situations.
Please pray
That God will be in control of this situation and for the missionaries’ health.
For the leaders as we try to study the situation and plan accordingly.
For the financial crisis which is daunting .
From Joshua Kirubaraj, National Director SU India