More than 300 Scripture Union representatives from 100 different countries met from 4-8 March for the Scripture Union Global Gathering in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. This special event, which last took place in 2017, brought together SU leaders, volunteers and supporters for three days of meetings, discussions and planning considering the theme of ‘Bridging the Gap’.
Three keynote speakers brought their insights and challenges to the discussions with reflections from:
· broadcaster and advocate, Krish Kandiah, from the UK
· youth advocate, Nana Yaw Offei Awuku from Ghana
· theologian and social justice campaigner, Ruth Padilla DeBorst from Costa Rica.
Each of these experienced speakers examined key gaps in society, including the gap between the church and the world, the generation gap and the gap caused by social divisions and injustice.
In addition to the speakers, for the first time a group of over 40 Scripture Union Young Ambassadors from as many different countries joined the event to present on issues around the gaps they have seen in a whole range of contexts affecting their lives.
International Director for SUI, Monika Kuschmierz, said: “Our challenge globally is how Scripture Union can remain relevant and respond to a fragmented and divided world. And find the best way to help children, young people, families, and communities to navigate their way in challenging and sometimes dangerous situations.”
Read more about the Global Gathering.