Around the world in France

Ministry Snapshots
Camps Ministry
SU camps are managed by Le Rimlishof. Each year, more than 30 camps reaching over 550 children between the ages of 3 and 18 years old are organised. Over the years, more and more families have been touched by this ministry.
We now want to focus on the essence of our SU camps: what makes our camps SU Camps? In 2016, we worked with all our camp leaders on our SU concept of education, which had become very dated. We focused on the biblical approach to be used in our camps. The leaders worked enthusiastically on the project. Our two national SU youth ministry staff also helped the team to learn and practice new interactive ways of sharing the Gospel. The camp leaders did a very good job and came up with many excellent, original ideas. We enjoyed this preparatory work with them! For next season, we plan to increase the number of committed camp leaders, who will embody SU values and be ready to witness in camps.
Refugees Ministry
Le Rimlishof accommodates about 10 refugee families, with a maximum of 40 people at any one time. They come from Kosovo, Macedonia, Albania and Sudan. We welcomed over 160 people in 2015. Each year a team of three half-time SU staff and one European volunteer work together to care for them. We are also helped by a lot of local volunteers and several regional and national organisations. Without this assistance we wouldn’t be able to continue this ministry. Thanks to all of them, we can provide the families with quality times and numerous activities such as: a cooking club, French classes, sports, distribution of food products twice a week.
A new law on refugees was adopted in July 2015 and as a result our mission has changed. Since January 2016, we are not only responsible for the refugees from day to day (their daily life) but also for their social and administrative care. Unfortunately, the French Government didn’t increase the budget. This has represented a very big change for our team, who have had to train as ‘social workers’. Our refugee ministry now continues with new challenges, new perspectives and new adventures!
Youth Worker Training
La Ligue-Vivre la Parole propose depuis de nombreuses années déjà un cycle de formation au ministère parmi les enfants. Entre 2020 et 2022, le contenu de tous les modules de la formation a été revu et mis à jour afin de mieux répondre aux besoins des enfants d’aujourd’hui.
Nous mettons l’accent sur l’importance de considérer chaque enfant comme une personne à part entière et de respecter ses besoins spirituels, son environnement familial et ecclésial, afin de garantir la liberté de pensée de chaque enfant et lui laisser l’autonomie de sa décision personnelle de suivre Jésus. Nous décrivons aussi comment encourager chaque enfant à une lecture personnelle de la Bible et l’inviter à développer une relation personnelle avec Dieu par la prière.
Ces formations ont une approche pédagogique par la pratique afin d’apporter aux participants des outils concrets comme les animations bibliques et les activités manuelles. Chaque année, de nombreuses personnes suivent ces formations sur place à l’Institut Biblique de Nogent, ou par zoom.
Malagasy Section
Nous sommes particulièrement actifs dans l’évangélisation, l’étude de la Bible, la distribution de littérature et le travail familial. Officiellement connue sous le nom de « Section malgache de la Ligue pour la Lecture de la Bible en France ».
Contact Details
Vivre La Parole
President: Mamy-Roland Rajaoba
Directeur: Thibault Foulon
Board Members: Martine Charlemagne, Mamy-Roland Rajaoba, Nathalie Perrot, Jacques Peterschmitt
Bible Engagement and Children's Ministry Training: Jean-Marc Razafindranary, Makensonn Glaude
Children's Ministry Training: Anne Chahinian
Bible Engagement: Lula Derœux
Chaplaincy: Daniel Reutenauer
Editor-in-chief of RDV: Léa Meignien
Administration: Riana Rychen
Communication: Kevin Burt, Eloïse Baslé
LLB Éditions
Ligue pour la Lecture de la Bible
51, Bd Gustave André - F-26000 Valence
Tel: +33 475 55 95 00
General Enquiries: [email protected]
President: Jonathan Hanley
Directeur: Steven Dixon
Council Members: Arnaud Pottier, Chloé Boggetto
Head Office Staff
Accountant: Mickaël Gros
Secretary: Claire-Lise Civelli
Publishing / Literature: Myriam Callec, Joëlle Affleck
Centre de vacances Le Rimlishof
President: Thierry Louzy
Directeur: Alain Nussbaumer
Treasurer: Thomas Merkling
Board of Directors: André Van Nieuwenhuyse, Florent Mouhot.
Responsables de secteur
Coordinatrice des séjours: Anne Mathys
Responsable de la micro-crèche: Sandrine James
Secrétaire: Caroline Berger
Responsable de l'accueil des familles de demandeurs d'asile: Elisabeth Fournier
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All about France
Roman Catholic 83%–88%, Protestant 2%, Jewish 1%, Muslim 5%–10%, Unaffiliated 4%
Population under 15
Official languages