Around the world in Peru


Ministry Snapshots

  • Abandoned & At-Risk Children

    The Girasoles Program began in 1987 with a small group of Peruvian volunteers who wanted to make a difference in the lives of children living in the streets of Lima.

    Armed with nothing more than some sandwiches and soccer balls, volunteers faithfully went out into the streets at night to share Christ’s love with these children.

    Today, the Girasoles Program is composed of five different homes around the country of Peru. Our homes are located across all three of Peru’s main geographical regions: the coast, the mountains, and the jungle.

    While the children we serve are culturally diverse, they generally have one common element regardless of their background—a very negative self-image. Many have undergone years of neglect, abuse, and abandonment before arriving to our homes, and after being marginalized and mistreated for so long many of them believe that they are the problem.

    Our staff at each home work hard to change their world view. Our goal is to provide a Christian family environment for each child, where they can be nurtured physically, emotionally, and spiritually. We strive to provide a safe environment for each child coupled with proper care, counseling and education.

    Our message to each child is that they do not have to be defined by their past. Instead, we share that God created them in His image with a specific purpose. For that reason, they have infinite value, are worthy of being loved and of sharing that love with others.

  • Deaf Ministry

    Through its work with the deaf, Scripture Union seeks to address the physical and spiritual needs of the deaf community through various programs and activities.

    Historically, deaf Peruvians have faced many challenges, including lack of access to education, unemployment, difficulties within the legal system, and were unable to legally marry until the late 1980s.

    Approximately 95% of deaf children in Peru are born into hearing families that have no experience with signs. Through our program, deaf adults teach sign language to deaf children and their families. In addition to signs, deaf children also learn about their culture – the deaf culture – and are able to build a personal identity and self esteem.

    Our ministry to the deaf currently offers many programs for the deaf community in Lima, including:

    • Traditional beach camps for all ages in the summer
    • “Survival Week” camp where hearing campers and counselors communicate only through sign language.
    • Scripture Union manages a list of registered interpreters who assist the deaf in court hearings, hospitals, police stations, or even in church meetings, conferences, etc.
    • Sign language classes are available to young adults, parents, teachers and any others interested in learning.

Contact Details

  • Head Office

    Av. Bolivia 180 – Piso 4
    Cercado de Lima

    • Leadership

      President: Eduardo Arevalo

      Vice President: Daniel Silva Ruíz

      Secretary: Eduardo Arévalo Ortega

      Treasurer: Sergio David Bustamante Rodríguez

      Members: Ruth Elizabeth Ochoa Pillaca, Paul Raymond Clark Nofzinger, Luis Javier Castillo Sandoval

      Acting Director General: Sergio Bustamante

    • Head Office Staff

      Administration & Finance: Rosa Herrera Castillo

      Human Resources: Nelly Bueno

      Accountant: Edna Espinoza

      Treasurer: Luz Incio

      Bible Ministry: Emilio Morales

      Camping Ministry: Jorge Arevalo

      Girasoles Program for Abandoned & At-Risk Children: Gregory Bardales

      International Relations: Billy & Kate Greenman

      Schools Ministry: María Antonieta Nuñez

      Señales Deaf Ministry: Judit Santillana

      Training & Staff Development: Paul Clark

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All about Peru

  • Population


  • Religions

    Roman Catholic 81.3%, Evangelical 12.5%, Other 3.3%, Unspecified or None 2.9%

  • Population under 15


  • Official languages

    Spanish and Quechua