Around the world in Scotland


Ministry Snapshots

  • Schools Ministry

    We are very grateful that primary and secondary schools in Scotland largely remain open to the ministry of SU. Recently the Scottish government stated: ‘we recognise the substantial and enduring influence of the Christian faith in transforming and inspiring Scotland’s people and culture. Faith-based education and religious observance have an important part to play in the development of our young people’.

    It means SU groups run in about 17% of Scottish schools, with many more welcoming SU staff and volunteers into schools to lead events at Christmas and Easter. We are delighted by the growth of Bible Alive which takes children through an overview of the Bible story in six weekly lessons. One child commented ‘Every Thursday morning I just could not wait to get to school’.

  • Holidays Ministry

    SU Scotland Holidays (‘camps’) still attract around 2,000 children and young people each year at Easter, throughout the summer and in October. We are hugely blessed to have five sites which host most of these events. Three of these are also very busy throughout the rest of the year with school residentials.

    We faced decline in numbers at our Holidays after the year 2000 but the last few years have shown some reversal of the trend. Part of that is due to renewed conviction about the spiritual impact of residential ministry and partly it is varying the offering. We have increased the number of our Creative Arts camps (including Drama, Voice, Comedy) and we have introduced more specialised streams to our Activity camps (including Canoe Adventure, Mountain Biking and Sailing). We have also added some Family Camps to our more traditional list of events. The reversal of the trend in numbers is also partly it is due to new partnerships with more churches as well as enabling children with family members who are affected by imprisonment or refugee families to enjoy a holiday with us.

    We are deeply grateful for the influence of SU camps across Scotland. Regularly we meet people across the Christian Church in Scotland who remember attending SU camps. Young people often identify an experience at an SU camp as being fundamental to their coming to faith. We want to live up to that heritage, prayerfully seeking God’s guidance in all that we do.

  • Internships

    Are you looking for time out that provides personal growth and discipleship as well as opportunities to make a difference? If so, then a gap year with Scripture Union Scotland, may be for you! Click here to read more.

Contact Details

  • Head Office

    Scripture Union Scotland
    New Olympia House
    Olympia Street
    G40 3TA

    • Leadership

      Chairperson: Stephen Bell

      Treasurer: Jonathan Innes

      Chief Executive: Robin MacLellan

      Executive Assistant: Gail McLay

      Director of Development: Jackie Ringan

      Director of Local Ministries: Zonya Bewick

      Director of Centres: Paul Bayton

      Chief Operating Officer: Mike Kurtyka

      Creative Director: Jenny Hamill

    • Head Office
    • Lendrick Muir
    • Alltnacriche
    • Gowanbank
    • Regional Ministries Team
    • Regional Workers

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All about Scotland

  • Population


  • Religions

    Christian 71.6%, Muslim 2.7%, Hindu 1%, Other 1.6%, Unspecified or none 23.1%

  • Population under 15


  • Official languages
