Around the world in Switzerland (German speaking)


Ministry Snapshots

  • LEGO City

    The project “LEGO City” can be booked by churches, evangelical churches or individuals.

    A staff member of SU Switzerland leads the event together with members of the local church. In seven to nine working hours children build a city with a castle, a skyscraper, a church, a railway station, a football stadium and many other buildings (to fifteen metres) – up to forty children can participate.

    During the breaks, children are taken into the world of the Bible. They discover that the Biblical stories have a connection with their lives and that God wants to meet them through Jesus.

    The building phase is finalised with an opening event. Depending on the church we also perform a common service. Children can invite their parents, friends and relatives to the preview.

    LEGO City creates new encounters, especially for children and their parents without any connections to church. The project promotes social behaviour and children’s creativity.

  • :b live

    :b live is an educational journey with young people. The programme is designed for 13 to 17 year olds and is suitable for groups of 15 – 30 participants.

    :b live can be booked for as little as 3 hours or up to several days.

    We encounter situations and questions from everyday life and experience how they are connected with stories and statements from the Bible. We play, laugh, listen, think, ask and discuss. Participants discover that through living with God and the Bible, everyday life becomes something very special.

  • Godly Play

    Godly Play® – Making meaning through story, wonder, and play: founded by Jerome W. Berryman, includes a curriculum of spiritual practice that explores the mystery of God’s presence in our lives. God who meets us in the midst of scripture and through spiritual experience. Godly Play® nutures the spiritual life of children by honoring their centrality, competency, and capacity. It invites children (and adults) to listen to God and to respond authentically and creatively.

    We teach and practise Godly Play® in trainings and religious education. Our trainings deepen the understanding of children’s spirituality and the pedagogical and theological understanding of what Godly Play® is like. Therefore, we create a safe and special place and the adults (or children in school or church) are surrounded with biblical stories.
    The participants improve their teaching skills, explore and reflect the fundamentals of a Godly Play® room and the process of a Godly Play® session: Storytelling with specially developed materials, an exploration of the story with open-ended questions, a playful or creative deepening phase and a small celebration.

  • Spoken Word

    Spoken Word is a poetic art form which combines wordplays with humor and wholeheartedness. A staff member of SU Switzerland uses this art form to re-enact biblical stories. He plays Jesus’ disciple Matthew who reports the story of his Master or the two apostles Peter and Paul, who tell about the rise of Christian faith in the 1st century. Always building surprising bridges to the present.

    The project “Spoken Word” can be booked by churches, evangelical churches and youth events.

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Your gift will help us to transform the lives of children in Switzerland (German speaking)

All about Switzerland (German speaking)

  • Population


  • Religions

    None 33.5%, Roman Catholic 32.1%, Protestant 20.5%, Other Christian 5.6%, Muslim 5.9%, Other 1.3%

  • Population under 15


  • Official languages

    German, French, Italian and Romansh