Our Stories
Husky dog inspiration

Scripture Union Moscow’s new Husky Dog camp called ‘The Huskies’ Kennel’ is helping children open up about their feelings and connect with one another. Inspired by a sheep shearing camp run by Scripture Union in New South Wales, Australia, the team invited children to live and work alongside the dogs as part of the camp. This gave them an opportunity to learn from their passionate Husky dog trainers.
A volunteer leader with SU Moscow, Maria said, “The Huskies’ kennel is an amazing place! The camp was full of life and the Husky owners shared their great passion with us. I think it’s because they love what they are doing, and they think it’s very important for the children to live with the dogs.
“One of the topics we discussed with our children was how to connect with people – how to break down walls that prevent communication and how to turn to God for help. Caring for and helping train the dogs was a common task that brought everyone together. It warmed my heart to see how connections were made and barriers removed, because this was something I had been reflecting on myself.”