Our Stories
The gift of a book

An art competition publicised through local Christian radio has been helping children in Timor Leste hear more about God’s Big Story and how each of them can be a part of it. When Scripture Union staff went to congratulate the young winner, Zilton, who had come third in the competition, they brought a smile to a quiet, shy boy whose family had never owned a book before.
Zilton was delighted to be presented with a copy of ‘The Big Picture Story Bible’, translated in Tetun-English and published by Scripture Union Timor Leste. Scripture Union National Director for Timor Leste, Grace Adams said, “Zilton and his extended family welcomed us with warmth. Zilton had been brought up by his father after his mother left when he was a baby.” She explained that growing up wasn’t without struggles for Zilton and his family.
“Zilton’s aunt explained to us that his father had difficulty with his speech and body movements since suffering a stroke 10 years ago. The whole family was surprised that Zilton had won the competition as it seemed he often goes unnoticed,” Grace said.
“Like many families in Timor Leste, Zilton’s family doesn’t own even one book, so the family were thrilled with Zilton’s prize. His dad had a big smile on his face and his aunt said it was a huge honour for the family. While we were there, several children immediately gathered around Zilton and they began reading the book together.
“It was heart-warming to see children reading the Bible with such excitement. We praise God that we were able to be an encouragement to Zilton and his family through the art competition and the children’s Bible. We continue to pray that God’s Word will take deep root in the lives of these children and their families.”