... in our Collaboration Spaces
On the Tuesday and Thursday afternoons, we will be holding a variety of 'Collaboration Spaces' where there will be an invitation to participate in various discussions and activities. There will be a choice from the following which aim to Bridge the Gap between...
Board/Chairs and a healthy working relationship with their National Movement leaders
Healthy collaboration between the Board and the Executive is crucial for any thriving organisation. At Scripture Union, we seek to reflect God’s character in the way we deal with each other. We may face challenges in how the Board of an SU movement and the National Director interact. Different personalities, differing visions and strategies and varied understanding of the roles are common reasons for tension. This session will help you identify and address such challenges in Board-Director relationships.
National Movement leaders and a healthy working relationship with their Board/Chairs
Healthy working relationships between National Movement leaders and Boards is vital to a productive Kingdom-building SU movement. But sometimes there are gaps that can lead to crevasses! We are all leaders and all have the responsibility to come together. This discussion explore “In what ways do you demonstrate a cohesive and spirit-led Leaders-Board environment and what works against this happening?”. We shall share and learn from all!
Ministry possibilities and restricted access countries
Serving in Restricted Access Countries is challenging and filled with high risk and danger. While fulfilling the Great Commission in these countries can be challenging, it is not impossible. Given these immense difficulties, how do we approach our ministry in different and creative ways? What are some innovative ways that SU can employ to reach children and young people in these countries? Let’s explore together some fresh and diverse ways of making God’s Good News known in these demanding contexts.
Ministry possibilities for established movements and a culture where the religious climate is changing with increased restrictions
The scenario for SU ministry is diverse and the implications of not being able to proclaim Jesus is only growing. There is a growing apathy to faith, perhaps resulting from increased 'secularism' being reflected in a restricted environment for exploring faith and justice. How can we be innovative in reaching children and young people today?
Our commitment to caring for God’s world and our responses to climate change, creation care, and environmental sustainability
Caring for creation and stewarding natural resources wisely is a God-given mandate (Gen. 1;28; 2:15 among others). Climate anxiety also seems to be a cause for depression in young people. This conversation will explore key pillars of a theological framework, cultural and contextual realities and changing attitudes and sustainable strategies.
What we have and the development of resource sustainability at a national movement level
Misery and hopelessness define disadvantaged suburbs, tough schools, dysfunctional families and at-risk children or communities. When we speak in this “problem- centred way” we overlook the strengths that are present in each individual and community. However, an ABCD bridging the gap approach empowers communities to be empowered to discover solutions themselves. When we ask what is strong rather than what is wrong, we see the people and localities who are pushed to the margins given opportunities to contribute and belong.
Our understanding of Christian care and its outworking within countries experiencing conflict
The world around us longs for peace. The chief victims of conflicts and acts of aggression are mostly young people whose means of support are ruined. Driven by the desire to survive, be secure, belong and contribute, they often appear on the edge of social breakdown. This poses a big need for communities to respond affirmatively. Which are the Bible passages that drive us as we as SU consider our response? What are the likely challenges? How do we 'Bridge the Gap'?
God’s pattern for families and the current reality of family instability
The current reality of families globally is that they are diverse and live in a variety of contexts. From this basis we will identify the gaps between this reality and the current ministry of Scripture Union. What are the challenges and joys? What questions should we be asking? What strategies should we consider to positively contribute to addressing these gaps and how do these align with our vision?
Young people challenged by mental health issues and their healthy engagement with life
One of Scripture Union’s heart values is holistic mission which would include prioritising the 'silent killer' across all age groups. Since the pandemic, mental health and wellbeing has been talked about more openly. Mental health First Aid courses have risen in popularity. How do we highlight and integrate this into our ministries particularly with children and young people? Let us explore the attitudes and practices and listen to some models as we reflect on how to respond as SU.
The unemployed and a functional engagement with life
Who am I? is a question that recurs in every person, particularly in children and young people. A good response helps define one’s purpose and inspiration for life. Insufficient or erroneous answers pose a challenge and become barriers for developing one’s potential in line with God’s plan. This conversation will help us address how to serve young people, use their time gainfully as they grow to be contributing to a world in need.
Our understanding of ‘working with the churches’ and the outworking of this in practice
Scripture Union’s mission statement says that we work with churches in order to fulfill our mission. How does this fundemental principle shape our ministry and how do we know when we are genuinely doing it? What does working with churches look like in everyday practice? What does it not look like?
Reasoned conversations and polarised debates around controversial issues
We live in a time of increasing polarisation. Strongly held opinions about politics, religion, social issues, biblical interpretation and much more, risk tearing apart our nations, communities, churches and families. How do we hold well-researched strong opinions while helping to move debates into conversations? How do we, as ministers of reconciliation, help people bridge the gap to meet one another with respect, understanding, grace and kindness?
Truth and the digital world
Bridging the Gap between Truth and the Digital World explores the challenges and opportunities young Christian individuals face in the digital age. Engage in insightful discussions on fostering a balanced relationship between faith and technology. Discover practical strategies to navigate the digital landscape while staying true to Christian values. Let's collectively shape a positive digital reality for the younger generation. Don't miss this chance to bridge the gap and build a stronger connection between Truth and the digital world.
Bible guides and resources and the real-world experiences of children today
Is there a place for a child's everyday life in SU's Bible guides and other Bible engagement resources, and is there is a place for SU's Bible guides and resources in the child's everyday life? If the answer to both these questions is a resounding “Yes!”, please come and share your practice. If the answer to one of these questions is either 'may be!' or 'no!', then what should we at SU consider? How can we incorporate the realities of life for a child or young person, in preparation of SU guides or resources.
Funds and ministry expansion
Funding is imperative for ministry expansion. The gap between the two is laced with worry, anxiety, fear, hesitation, and practices that may detract from both faith and life. At Scripture Union, we seek to build and develop ministries based on God’s principles that bring faithful provision to accomplish His work in His way. Together, may we count the testimonies, contemplate, discuss and learn to apply His principles, as we receive God’s help to fulfil His commission.
SU and trusted, active, and valued partnerships with other organisations
Working in partnership is both a biblical principle and an important factor in facilitating Faith Based Organisations to fulfill their mission with effectiveness and sustainability. This conversation will discuss the foundations of Kingdom-partnering for SU National Movements, identify obstacles that hinder thriving partnerships, and explore biblical framework, attitudes, and practices. Let’s look at how we can identify and invest in partnerships that impact the Kingdom, where both partners share equal opportunities.
The end of the term of a leader and preparing for their replacement
The departure of a key leader and the recruitment, hiring, and installation of a new replacement is a process that requires serious attention. Ensuring continuity and stability in leadership is critical to moving the organisation forward to accomplish its mission. Therefore, it is important to move away from unplanned leadership succession to a more organised and intentional leadership transition process. Let’s talk about what are the building blocks for efficient changeover in leadership.
Christian ministry and other faith traditions
At SU we long for every child, young person, and family to meet Jesus. For many this involves exploring a new faith journey. However, a majority in the world come from those who hold non- Christian faith traditions. An invitation to meet Jesus holds different considerations and implications. Join us for a conversation about what we can grow in our ministries to being loving, sensitive and vibrant witnesses amongst those from other faiths.
Our current processes for developing volunteers and the changing face of volunteerism
Working with volunteers is one of the most important characteristics of SU. How can we offer opportunities to serve, a relevant and attractive option to young people and others in this rapidly changing world. They are surrounded by both lucrative offers and entrepreneurial opportunities competing for their time today. How do we retain them - if this is a realistic goal today at all? Come and chat with us about these challenges and possible responses to them!
The tried and tested ways of working with children and integrating innovation into our contemporary ministry strategies
Doing what we’ve always done can too easily become the default setting for ministry. In a world that continues to change, are our old ways restricting our opportunities to connect with children in these changing and challenging times? Is our message being heard or hampered by our ministry strategies with a new generation? What can innovation look like as we strive to make SU’s mission relevant?
The proclamation of the eternal truths of the Gospel and serving the immediate needs of children in a broken world
Does our traditional understanding of evangelism and 'making God’s Good News known', from our Aims, Belief and Working Principles, limit the transformational work of the Gospel? Have we over-emphasised an intellectual understanding of the work of Christ at the expense of the outworking of the love of Christ in Kingdom responses to human need? In this collaboration, we will explore together how proclamation is as missional as being 'servants of a world in need'.
Young leaders with a heart to serve and traditional SU models of leadership and ministry
SU ministries are served by both volunteers and staff who span all generations - from young leaders on camps through to experienced Board members. However, are our traditional models of leadership restricting a strategic investment into the wisdom, energy and creativity of young leaders so as to develop a new generation of thought leaders and catalysts for a changing world?
Where SU ministries are at and the impact of the ever widening chasm between the rich and the poor
In many parts of the world, socioeconomic situations are having a huge impact on choices, lifestyles and decisions. While economy might drive families and the churches too, how has this been a factor in how we minister? What does integral mission look like in the 21st century for SU? Let us talk about social justice and the need for SU to be a voice for the voiceless.
Pastoral care of LGBTQi+ kids at camps and in other SU activities
Revealing Jesus Workshop
95% of under 18’s in England and Wales don’t go to church! That’s why Scripture Union England and Wales has developed the Revealing Jesus mission framework – to help local churches reach out, make connections and journey into faith with the ‘95’. Join us to discover more about: How we developed this contextual, sustainable and scalable model. What it looks like on the ground in England and Wales. How you could use a similar approach in your own setting.
NUA Workshop
Participants at the NUA workshop will embark on a digital exploration of resources, a diverse suite of film series tailored for older and younger teens. Topics include ‘big faith questions’, ‘faith formation’ and some mini-series exploring Christmas and Easter. Discover innovative ways to digitally utilize NUA for impactful and age-appropriate engagement in your country and in your language. Gain valuable insights into fostering meaningful digital conversations with young people using these dynamic and adaptable cinematic resources.
Sports Ministry Workshop
Sport is a powerful platform to reach children, youth and families with the Gospel! Scripture Union and the Sport Movement have been developing global strategies and resources to this end for a long time! In this session, come and learn about the history, vision and heart of the Sports Movement, and hear testimonies from different SU movements who use these strategies to share the Gospel and invite connections with Jesus and His Word!

Take a look at our other Global Gathering pages: