Our Stories
Praying for peace in Myanmar

Our Scripture Union team in Myanmar have seen so much suffering and death in the past few weeks.
Since the military coup in February, hundreds have been killed with thousands left injured or imprisoned following peaceful protests.
One Scripture Union team member said, “We’re suffering many hardships with a lack of food, water and medical care. People are living in fear. Many have been beaten and forcefully arrested and no one knows where they are. Businesses and banks have closed, and people have lost their jobs.”
According to the team, the military have imposed severe restrictions allowing no more than five people to gather together and churches have been closed. Scripture Union ministry has also had to stop temporarily.
“People are determined to continue to protest in spite of the danger. They do not want to return to the days of military rule with much suffering” the team member said.
The team ask for prayer and for an end to the violence and senseless killing. They are praying for peace and restoration of democratic government, so that the economy can be rebuilt and the spread of Covid-19 can also be addressed.